Rules and Regulations
School Rules & Regulations
- Students must wear school uniform
- Students must cut their hair according to the school’s regulation – namely, short and natural with no artificial methods.
- Students must not wear cosmetics and other beauty accessories.
- Students must not bring valuable items to the school. If this is violated, the teachers will keep such items, which will only be returned when his/her parents come and collect it/them.
- Students must not keep textbooks and notebooks in the classroom or in the school.
- Students will use the school’s communal areas with care.
- Students will not use lifts unaccompanied by teachers, or without permission.
General Rules
- Without school authority permission, no student can leave. If it is important to leave students must need to get permission from school staff.
- In the classroom and school area students should not make noise.
Morning orientation will be given after morning assembly. All possible rules, advice must be taken by students and be done so seriously. - When using special classrooms and/or rooms, e.g. computer room, library, infirmary and so on, students must need to pay attention about the rules.
- Students must be well behaved to their teachers and school staff.
- Smoking, drinking and drug possession is strongly prohibited.
School Timing
- Every Students must need to attend class regularly in the following timely manner.
- Students should maintain school timing strictly.
- If any student who arrives later than the above their parents will get notified or they can be punished.
- Every students must need to carry their ID card.
- Students must write a letter explaining his/her reasons for absence. Such a letter must have his/her parents’ signature as a confirmation.
- If any student is absent more than three consecutive days, she/he must inform the school office and/or classroom teachers for a record. If sick, a letter from a doctor is required.
- If the above is not carried out, the school assumes that such a student is unreasonably absent from class.
Eating Manners
- Students must sit and eat with a proper manner. Eating while walking is strongly forbidden.
- When finished eating, students must return eating utensils to the school in the areas provided.
- Students must keep the school tidy and clean.
Lost and found items
- Students must inform his/her classroom teacher or duty teacher when his/her item is lost.
- When an item is found, it should be given to the classroom or duty teacher to find the owner & return it.
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